Practicing gratitude is the best way to stay humble. And being humble is one of the most valuable qualities one can pocess. Too often we focus on what we don't have, instead of all the things we really do have. Theese things you have

but do not think of, is things that other people dream of and wish they had.
Why is it that society and our way of living life clutters our mind so much that we cannot no longer see clearly? We bring so much unnecessary suffering upon ourselves and often without even realizing it. As one said 'sometimes you are just too close to the trees to see the forest'. This expression resembles with me alot. How is it possible to really see things clearly, when you are so deep(I mean soooo deep) and so stuck in it that this reality of yours is the only reality that you can see.
So anyways... back to the gratitude! I think it's important to in some way get it out there.
I am grateful for my amazing friends that brings me so much joy. I truly don't know what I would do without you guys.
I am grateful for the opportunities that I have. I can do whatever I want, choose my job, travel wherever I want to. This is a luxury that most people don't have.
I am grateful for coming to India. First I could not make sense of my all of a sudden strong desire to come here. But I'm starting to understand I've wanted this for a long time, running around in Sweden looking for sweet places to meditate lol.
I am grateful for my experiences and the things I've been through. They've made me who I am today and I regret nothing.
I am grateful for my health. So easy to take it for granted.
I am grateful for meeting and traveling with Nikki. Such an amazing person and we have so much fun.
I am grateful for having the best mom on the planet.
That's a few things Im grateful for right now.
Please feel free to express your gratitude in the comments, anonymous or not, english or swedish. All is fine and all is well. Only takes a few minutes of your precious time but will bring good things to you(maybe not the jackpot on the lottery but good things comes in different forms and ways).