Nikki gästbloggar
How the hell did i get so lucky , so suddenly?

Hello i am nikki, ludvigs travelling companion :). I guess i should give a short intro of myself? I am originally from india but have been living and studying in sweden.Among my many hobbies is travelling.Some wise guy had said 'in life if you havent travelled ,you've only read the first page. Back in sweden when ludvig said he needs to escape sweden an instant reply came out from my mouth : come to india with me! we can see all these places that i so have been talking about!. And here we are :) actually it started a weekago.Although the entire past week is sort of a blur , mostly because we were so excited.So much to see and so much to say.
We went up to this tiny goddess temple sitting at the top of a big mountain.The view was breathtaking! could see a couple of valley's from there .Even the birds were flying hundreds of feet below.